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The Root of it All

Smog and Labels

Smog and Labels

For today’s column I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of topics. Smog Today’s headlines tell of yet another “PM10 exceedance day” in the City's West End, where fine particular matter exceeded provincial guidelines for air quality.


I took a drive out to Red Rock last Sunday. I hadn’t been out that way in over thirty years, and I was quite surprised to see the development along that rugged shoreline.
Naming Young Offenders

Naming Young Offenders

Naming Young Offenders There was some discussion this past week regarding the requirement of the Youth Criminal Justice Act to prohibit the publishing of the name of a young person accused of committing an offence.
A Driving Passion

A Driving Passion

A Driving Passion I have always loved driving. Even as a young child I played in the cab of my grandfather’s 1960 Ford pickup. When I finally got my driver’s license was a truly liberating moment in my life.
Capital (Project) Punishment

Capital (Project) Punishment

There is an old saying about “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” The exact origins of this phrase are unclear: there are some allusions to the Biblical characters.
When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.

When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.

- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, (1706-1790), Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746 A story was posted recently regarding Néstle Water's response to the City of London's proposed bottled water ban. I found their logic interesting, to say the least.


I had the opportunity over the past week or so to have some interesting conversations with visitors to our fair city, and I thought I’d share some insight I gained from these chats.
Goin’ to the chapel…

Goin’ to the chapel…

No, it’s not me that’s getting married.
In the good old summer time!

In the good old summer time!

Well, despite at least a few days of rain each week, and a few days of unseasonably cool weather since the Summer Solstice, summer seems to be here.
”Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”

”Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”

Those infamous words were uttered in 1927 by none other than H. M. Warner, one of the four brothers who founded Warner Brothers Studios. We’ve come a long way since then. Like almost anything, entertainment is subject to personal tastes.