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Donna Lee Ziegelman


Donna, it's been 5 years since you left here with me for a much better place.. You had endured way to many years of illness and pain.. At least once a day or more you and I would have long conversations on the telephone.. When I had moved out west, the days went by slowly just waiting for you to come here in July 2018 for us to have a celebration of you turning 65 and me 66, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to happen..

During the conversations both of us did a lot of laughing and crying about so many things we had to go through while we were growing up.. During these conversations, we knew that the two of us and we had learned that our sister Judy had had to experience a lot of the same things.. With all of these issues, we were at least able to love and support each other.. A large part of my heart has been missing since you left.. I know you are in a much better place where you don't have any more pain and aren't having to go through all of the sickness..

Fly with the Angels Donna and remember you do deserve to rest comfortably now at last.. I love and miss you Sis with all my heart.. Until we are able to meet again.