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Local gallery hosting art reception for community May 24

WKP Kennedy Gallery within Capitol Centre open to all
A preview of local artwork to be featured in the Monochrome Square Foot Show/ Photo Supplied

Did you know there is a gallery in North Bay that offers free admission to everyone, is open five days a week, and located right inside the Capitol Centre, on Main Street?

The WKP Kennedy Gallery is that gallery! “The WKP has been here, as a department of the Capitol Centre, for over 35 years,” said gallery Director/ Curator Jennifer Allison.

The WKP Kennedy Gallery produces an impressive lineup each year which includes 16 captivating exhibitions, 20 immersive workshops, 3 artist talks, and 4 downtown gallery hops. The gallery also collaborates with other local organizations to bring forth many other events and special programming each year, according to Allison.

“We would love for everyone to join us May 24th from 6 to 8 p.m. for the opening reception of our two new May Exhibitions,” said Allison. “This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet the artists and mingle amongst great art while savouring delicious food and drinks. There will be live music by Aaron Kowalchuk and a cash bar will be on site. This is a FREE event, and all are invited and welcome!”

From May 24th to July 20th, the gallery is hosting the Monochrome Square Foot Show, and Another Way Home, a solo exhibition by Michael Couchie.

Artwork to be featured in ‘Another Way Home’, a solo exhibition by Michael Couchie/ Photo Supplied

“The WKP Kennedy Gallery is a gallery for everyone in North Bay. We urge anyone who has an interest in art, who would like to showcase their work, teach a workshop, participate in a workshop, or who has any other questions or interest in the arts, to come by and see what we are all about,” urged Allison. “We are here for the residents of North Bay. We are YOUR public art gallery.”

The WKP Kennedy Gallery is currently seeking innovative and dynamic submissions from artists across the region and surrounding areas for its 2024/2025 exhibition season. The Gallery values artistic excellence; curiosity and creativity; inclusivity and diversity; integrity; and collaborations.

The WKP works with established, mid-career and emerging artists to present exhibitions that offer ideas and reflections on important current issues such as environment, culture, identity, social justice, community, accessibility and more, through contemporary art practices.

Allison finished, “We believe a community is only as strong as its creative sector, and therefore we endeavour to establish the WKP Kennedy Gallery as a renowned cultural hotspot in North Bay that celebrates our rich heritage and local talent.”

For more information about the WKP Gallery, go here. The gallery is located within the Capitol Centre at 150 Main St. East, North Bay.