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Slim Shady

Slim Shady

Member since: Jan, 2007

Recent Comments

Group Health Centre employees vote to strike

Group Health Centre employees vote to strike

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

HabFan, I bet you would not last a week in their job. All workers deserve fair wages, benefits, vacation, and pensions that are not only competitive in their respective industries but indexed to inflation to make them relevant. Just because you wasted your life working for less than what you were worth does not mean that other people aren't smart enough to know their self-worth and do something about it. I am thankful there are Unions to look after the rights of workers.

19 7

City moves to fill in Sackville Road ravine

City moves to fill in Sackville Road ravine

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

You would need to get the Batchewana Band onboard... Non-agreement was why it ended in the 90-degree connection at the end of Trunk Road; originally it was to be connected at the base of Second Line and Black Road. A cloverleaf at Trunk, Black Road, and 6th line would solve most congestion issues.

4 0

More historic plaques missing, others may be at risk: Sault Museum

More historic plaques missing, others may be at risk: Sault Museum

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

When the Provincial Courts finally decide to put out REAL prison incarceration terms for drug dealers as well as stiffer penalties and jail time for theft and other crimes this will stop. This city needs to put the money and tools into the Police to patrol and detain criminals. Instead of pouring money into the downtown, they need to solve the issues that lead up to its deterioration FIRST: Drug addiction and resulting homelessness. We need more treatment centres, support services, and low-income/transitional housing for rehabilitated people. Without treatment and support these people are back on the streets committing crimes to support their addictions. The people stealing the brass plaques are getting scrap money from someone.... the people buying the stolen scrap need to go to jail too - it's obvious that the brass is stolen.

40 1 2

Time to paws and enjoy kennel club annual all-breed show this weekend

Time to paws and enjoy kennel club annual all-breed show this weekend

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

Take your pup to the Espanola Animal Hospital ( They are surgery and treatment specialists. If they can't help him, nobody can. Excellent Doctors.

2 0

Happy ending after Harvest Algoma struck by senseless act of van -dalism

Happy ending after Harvest Algoma struck by senseless act of van-dalism

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

The Guys and Gals at both businesses are top notch! That's what community is all about, helping one another.

1 0 0

Algoma Steel gives YMCA campaign a $250,000 lift

Algoma Steel gives YMCA campaign a $250,000 lift

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

Unintelligent comment. ALGOMA provides jobs and economic spinoffs to the community (including you). The government provides tax dollars to the City as well. What's your point? What do you do to create high-paying jobs for your community?

3 4

BREAKING: Lukenda family reveals themselves as tentative YMCA buyer

BREAKING: Lukenda family reveals themselves as tentative YMCA buyer

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

Why is location a factor? It is located centrally in the City, 10 mins drive from just about anywhere... Lots of ease parking. Don't have a car? It is on the bus route.... What really is your excuse?

29 2

$4.7 million in contracts issued for summer work on roads, trails

$4.7 million in contracts issued for summer work on roads, trails

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

Are you kidding? Wallace Terrace is way past done, so is Cooper Street. Just because you don't live/travel on them doesn't make them unimportant. The City only has so much money to repair roads each year. Sometimes you are not considering the infrastructure beneath the roads, which may be a more critical condition than the traveling pavement. People need water and sewer too. The city has a 10 & 20-year asset management plan as mandated under the Municipal Act where all City assets (roads, sewers, water pipes, sidewalks, vehicles, heavy equipment, buildings etc) are evaluated and put on a timeline by an external engineering firm (usually). The Council follows the AMP in its due diligence, it is not arbitrarily decided on what they think or what constituents "feel" is important.

8 0

'I'm going to be on the street': Tenants evacuated from unsafe downtown building

'I'm going to be on the street': Tenants evacuated from unsafe downtown building

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

What needs to happen is rental buildings (commercial or residential rental buildings) need to pass yearly inspections (structural, electrical, fire, and overall cleanliness) at the cost of the owner. If there are deficiencies, they will be caught early BEFORE they become major issues. Most deficiencies should be required to be rectified within 30 days. Failure to address deficiencies should involve more than just fines - jail time for the owner(s). They should also set up a "Victims Fund" similar to the system used in traffic fines to fund help for victimized tenants and the costs of prosecution. Owners of rental buildings should have the repairs come out of their liability insurance if they are unable to pay. If they carry no insurance, they should be banned from being able to rent to people.

7 1 0

Did you stock up? LCBO workers officially on strike

Did you stock up? LCBO workers officially on strike

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

Ahhh Another bitter person who doesn't work in a unionized environment where employers can't take advantage of paying peanuts to their employees and forgo pensions.... Instead, you want the rest of us taxpayers to pay for your pension because your employer was too busy pocketing all the profits for their shareholders. It is time that all companies pay fair wages, health benefits, and wages for their employees regardless if they are just "glorified cashiers".

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