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National News

Premiers demand meeting with Trudeau to discuss increased health-care funding

Premiers demand meeting with Trudeau to discuss increased health-care funding

OTTAWA — Canada's premiers presented a united front Friday as they demanded Prime Minister Justin Trudeau come to the table personally to hammer out an agreement for Ottawa to shoulder more of the burden when it comes to health-care costs.
Progress slow at COP15 talks but some agreement achieved, says environment minister

Progress slow at COP15 talks but some agreement achieved, says environment minister

MONTREAL — Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said Friday he's trying to light a fire under his international colleagues to pick up the pace on negotiations at an international meeting on saving the planet's biodiversity.
Indigenous groups plan to develop new protected conservation area in N.W.T.

Indigenous groups plan to develop new protected conservation area in N.W.T.

YELLOWKNIFE — Two Indigenous governments in the Northwest Territories are working to establish a new Indigenous protected and conservation area.
UN Mideast refugee chief says Western funding shortfall could lead to turbulence

UN Mideast refugee chief says Western funding shortfall could lead to turbulence

OTTAWA — A funding shortfall for fragile Middle Eastern states that host refugees could lead to turbulence in international relations, the UN refugee chief for that region is warning.
This story is no longer available

This story is no longer available

This story is no longer available. The Canadian Press
In The News for Dec. 9: Playing Santa by mail will cost you more this holiday season

In The News for Dec. 9: Playing Santa by mail will cost you more this holiday season

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Dec. 9... What we are watching in Canada ...
As nature talks unfold, here's what '30 by 30' conservation could mean in Canada

As nature talks unfold, here's what '30 by 30' conservation could mean in Canada

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was unequivocal Wednesday when asked if Canada was going to meet its goal to protect one-quarter of all Canadian land and oceans by 2025.
RCMP suspends contract with Ontario company linked to China

RCMP suspends contract with Ontario company linked to China

OTTAWA — The federal government says the RCMP has suspended a contract with an Ontario company that has links with China.
At least five B.C. children died from influenza last month, as mortalities spike

At least five B.C. children died from influenza last month, as mortalities spike

VICTORIA — At least five children died last month in British Columbia from influenza as a rise of early season respiratory illnesses added strain to the beleaguered health-care system.
Alberta NDP says premier's rejection of federal authority lays separation groundwork

Alberta NDP says premier's rejection of federal authority lays separation groundwork

EDMONTON — Alberta’s NDP Opposition leader says Premier Danielle Smith's comments rejecting the legitimacy of the federal government betray her unspoken plan to lay the groundwork for eventual separation.