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Local News

Fire hazard remains high for much of the region

NEWS RELEASE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES ****************************** One new fire has been confirmed thus far today in the Northeast Region. Chapleau 22 at 0.1 hectares is currently classified as being held.

Another local fire ban imposed

NEWS RELEASE TOWNSHIP OF PLUMMER ADDITIONAL ************************ Township of Plummer Additional has imposed a fire ban effective immediately until further notice. (Posted: July 5, 2012).

224 was the magic number

NEWS RELEASE ALGOMA'S WATER TOWER INN AND SUITES ************************ Water tower radiates It took almost two months, but resurfacing of the Second Line water tower is complete.

New infrastructure improvement fund launched in Northern Ontario

NEWS RELEASE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA ************************* Harper government takes action to improve community facilities across the country Minister Clement launches the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund in Northern Ontario SUDBURY - The Ho

Woo-hoo! Broderick Causley!

NEWS RELEASE ALGOMA UNIVERSITY ************************** Algoma University student to attend prestigious math school Broderick Causley heads to the University of Alberta SAULT STE.

That's some expensive moose!

NEWS RELEASE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES ************************* Two Chapleau men pay steep price for illegal moose hunt Two Chapleau men have been fined a total of $5,300 for illegal moose hunting.

House fire started by cigarette. Maybe (4 photos, updated)

NEWS RELEASES CITY POLICE SAULT STE. MARIE FIRE SERVICES *************************** Police assisted Fire Services at a house fire at 452 Wellington St. E. overnight where it appears the fire was accidentally started with a cigarette.

Boom (21 photos)

July 4, 2012 marked the 236th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in the United States.

Crime stoppers Crime of the Week

NEWS RELEASE CRIME STOPPERS **************************** The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in solving a break and enter located at the Frontier Village. Between June 27 at 8 p.m.

Area fire ban in effect received notification today that due to the unusually high fire risk caused by dangerously dry conditions, the Municipality of Huron Shores has imposed a fire ban, effective immediately until further notice.