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Story of Luke director to attend Shadows of the Mind

Shadows of the Mind Film Festival has just released the first preliminary schedule of its 2013 films and events.

Snow squall watches for northern areas (3 p.m. update)


Sunday funny

Documentary Feature Pushing Foward (video)

Pushing Foward | A Documentary On The Life Of Cross Country Skiers Step inside the life of an elite cross country skier.

Andrea hangs out with Debbie. Talk OLG and job creation

Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath visited Sault Ste. Marie Saturday to meet with Mayor Debbie Amaroso and the Sault Ste.

Bon Soo kicks off with a (cold) bang (21 photos)

The 50th annual Bon Soo Winter Carnival kicked off with a bang last night at the Roberta Bondar Pavilion. A mighty cold bang, but a bang nonetheless.

Groundhogs split on early spring decision

Since 1886, crowds have gathered in Pennsylvania on February 2 to watch their beloved weather prognosticating rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, during the enormously popular Groundhog Day celebration on Gobbler's Knob.

12 photos of folks bumming around in the park

If Jayden Cranston looks a little distracted, we really can't blame him. While the toddler waited pretty patiently for all this picture taking tonnes of fun was being had right behind him.

Meat goes missing. 3 ladies charged

CITY POLICE NEWS RELEASE **************************** On January 29, 2013, two females were in RJ’s Market on Wellington Street West and it is alleged that a quantity of meat was put into a large purse and left the store without paying.

Like magic, Mr. Bon Soo appeared

In the blink of an eye, local illusionist Ryan McFarling transformed a wee audience volunteer into Sault Ste. Marie's most beloved event mascot, Mr. Bon Soo.