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Coronavirus (COVID-19) National News

COVID-19: Restaurants now allowed to sell alcohol with food take-out, delivery orders

COVID-19: Restaurants now allowed to sell alcohol with food take-out, delivery orders

The temporary measures are meant to support restaurants and bars that may be significantly impacted by the spread of COVID-19
Sudbury pot shop hands out thousands of free rolls of toilet paper

Sudbury pot shop hands out thousands of free rolls of toilet paper

Owner has about 12,000 rolls of toilet paper to give away
LIVE: Premier Doug Ford to make remarks amid COVID-19 crisis

LIVE: Premier Doug Ford to make remarks amid COVID-19 crisis

More to come . . .
Can the new coronavirus live on coats, shoes? Experts weigh in

Can the new coronavirus live on coats, shoes? Experts weigh in

Experts say the virus can last for three days on plastic and stainless steel
ONTARIO: Orillia native with COVID-19 urges people to 'take precautions seriously'

ONTARIO: Orillia native with COVID-19 urges people to 'take precautions seriously'

Chad McKillop and wife still feeling effects of coronavirus; 'The more people follow these guidelines, the quicker we’re going to get through this'
LIVE: 'Fines and even prison time' in store for Canadians who break quaratine order, says PM

LIVE: 'Fines and even prison time' in store for Canadians who break quaratine order, says PM

Quarantine act makes 14-day isolation manadatory
What you need to know about the Quarantine Act as isolation becomes mandatory for returning travellers

What you need to know about the Quarantine Act as isolation becomes mandatory for returning travellers

Canada's move to use the Quarantine Act to curb spread of COVID-19 is unprecedented
ONTARIO: Viral video of Niagara restaurant employee 'licking' plastic spoons causes outrage

ONTARIO: Viral video of Niagara restaurant employee 'licking' plastic spoons causes outrage

Woman in video to Village Media: 'It was taken before corona and I did not lick the spoons'
ONTARIO: Niagara man dies in hospital from COVID-19

ONTARIO: Niagara man dies in hospital from COVID-19

This marks Niagara Region's first death in the global pandemic
LIVE: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces $2,000-a-month COVID-19 job loss benefit

LIVE: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces $2,000-a-month COVID-19 job loss benefit

Will be updated . . .