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Tuesday, September 17, 2002

The Sault detachment of the O.P.P. had a very quiet twenty-four hour period and has nothing to report.
The Sault detachment of the O.P.P. had a very quiet twenty-four hour period and has nothing to report. Senior Constable, Bill Mackan, the Community Services Officer, has the following tips for you:

As summer slowly fades to fall many a shotgun, ATV and some warmer clothing are being dusted off for the start of hunting season in Ontario. At the same time OPP detachments across the Province are preparing for themselves for another season of searching for some of the those hunters who get lost.

Sault Ste Marie OPP would like to remind all hunters, from beginners to the most experienced, of a few simple helpful hints to make sure you successfully make it back from your hunting excursion.

Regardless of how well you think you know the area you are hunting in carry a topographical map of the area and a compass. Many hunters are carrying handheld GPS units to assist in navigating through the bush.

Leave a detailed description of your planned destination with someone who is not traveling in the bush wi