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Thursday, January 24, 2002

IS IT LIVE OR IS IT MEMOREX? This title was used in an advertisement campaign several years ago. It was intended to make the listener determine if a recording was real or reproduced. In Sault Ste.

This title was used in an advertisement campaign several years ago. It was intended to make the listener determine if a recording was real or reproduced.

In Sault Ste. Marie and the surrounding area, a lot of shoppers and merchants are having the same problem with counterfeit ten dollar bills as well as other denominations of Canadian currency. There has been a rash of couterfeit bills circulating throughout the area.

Sault Ste. Marie OPP has obtained a quantity of information pamphlets and stickers from the Bank of Canada. These information materials are intended for use by merchants in an effort to combat this ever increasing criminal activity. The stickers are designed to be placed somewhere near the cash reigster so that all employees can use the information to detect counterfeit bills.

These items are available at no cost to anyone who wants them. They can be picked up at the front desk of the Sault Ste. Marie OPP detachment on Great Northern Road. Supplies are