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Monday, September 19, 2005

Goulais Break and Enters Goulais River, Ont.,Officers with the Sault Ste Marie OPP detachment are investigating two break and enters on Thielman Road in Goulais River.
Goulais Break and Enters

Goulais River, Ont.,Officers with the Sault Ste Marie OPP detachment are investigating two break and enters on Thielman Road in Goulais River.

On Saturday morning a resident of Thielman Road returned to their home to find that thieves had forced their way into the house and removed several small objects. While police were at this break and enter they checked on other homes in the area and discovered that a second house, very close to this one, had also been entered.

Thielman Road is an isolated, dead end road in Goulais River. Usually the only traffic on the road are the residents of the area, people who are lost and in this circumstance thieves. If you saw someone on Thielman Road late last week up to and including Saturday morning, who didn’t appear to belong there and was not asking for directions, the OPP, Crime Stoppers and the two victims of these crimes would like to hear about your sightings.

Heyden Cab Ride Goes Unpaid
Heyden, Ontario, A Sault Ste Marie cab driver was “taken for a ride” over the weekend after three youths failed to pay for their cab fare from the city to Heyden.

The cab driver reported to police that at about 4:30 a.m. on Saturday morning he picked up three youths in the downtown area of Sault Ste Marie.

The driver took them to a trailer home in Beaumont Trailer Park in Heyden. The three asked the driver to wait so they could go in and get the money for the cab fare. The three went in the front door of the trailer and a very short time later the driver heard the sound of glass breaking. When the three didn’t come back out with the cab fare the cabbie called the police.

Officers entered the trailer home only to find it abandoned. The three errant riders entered the front door of the trailer and left through the back door without paying the cab driver for the fare. A search of the area by the police and the cabbie was conducted and no one was found wandering the streets and pathways of Beaumont trailer park.