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Sault College welcomes some special visitors from Tanzania

The visit marks the launch of a three-year international partnership between the college and Pwani Regional Vocational Training and Service Centre
2017-06-28 Sault College Tanzania guests
Back row (left to right): Ron Chartrand, Colin Kirkwood, Jane Sippell, Frank Musso, and Mark Allemang. Front row: Emmanuel Mwemezi, Stella Ndimubenya, and Tumaini Magina. Photo provided



It has been an exciting week at Sault College as we welcomed three experts in Curriculum Development from Tanzania! The visit is an integral part of a three-year international partnership between Sault College and Pwani Regional Vocational Training and Service Centre (Pwani RVTSC) in central Tanzania.

The project, which began in April 2016, will see the development of a Process Automation and Instrumentation Technologist program at Pwani RVTSC. This program will enhance technical training and skills for residents of Tanzania and help to better prepare them for employment in the growing industrial sector.

One of the main objectives of their visit to Canada is to learn about the Process Automation and Instrumentation curriculum offered by Sault College. Sault College’s Electrical Engineering professors, Ron Chartrand, Frank Musso, and Mark Allemang are sharing their knowledge and expertise to allow for the successful delivery of this program in Tanzania.

“The Process Automation and Instrumentation Program at Sault College prepares students with universal skills that will meet the technological needs of industries around the world. It has been enlightening and rewarding to share knowledge and expertise with our Tanzania colleagues,” says Ron Chartrand, coordinator and professor, Electrical Engineering Technology at Sault College.

Visitors include Emmanuel Mwemezi and Stella Ndimubenya who represent the educational regulatory bodies responsible for technical and vocational training (NACTE and VETA) in Tanzania. Tumaini Magina is the faculty member for Pwani RVTSC who will begin delivering the course in Tanzania in January 2018.

“We are delighted to work with the Sault College faculty. We are impressed with the modern learning facilities and with the comprehensive curriculum. Together, we will assist our country to achieve its vision to increase the number of middle income earners through industrialization,” says Ms. Ndimubenya.

Sault College’s experience and expertise in the areas of instrumentation and process automation has helped to strengthen this partnership and the overall goals of the project.

“This partnership provides us with an opportunity to use our skills and knowledge to advance education in Tanzania,” says Colin Kirkwood, vice president, Academic and Research, Sault College. “The project includes a wide range of activities, from program development and design to teacher training and facility enhancements. The goal is to help our Tanzanian partner prepare their students for the labour market and increase their employment prospects by sharing our knowledge and skills,” he adds.

In August of this year, faculty members from Sault College will visit Tanzania to continue work on this project to ensure the desired outcomes will be met.

The collaboration with Pwani RVTSC is one of two international partnerships with Tanzania. Sault College has also teamed up with Parkland College from Saskatchewan to assist Arusha Technical College (ATC) of Tanzania with the development of a pre-technology program that will enable their students to transition from vocational schools to Technical college programs.

The progressive partnerships between Sault College, Pwani RVTSC and ATC are sponsored by Global Affairs Canada. The projects are made possible through the Improved Skills Training for Employment Program, which is managed by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan).


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