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Prime minister's statement on anniversary of the last spike

NEWS RELEASE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA **************************** Statement by the prime minister of Canada on the 125th anniversary of the last spike Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement marking the 125th



**************************** Statement by the prime minister of Canada on the 125th anniversary of the last spike

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement marking the 125th anniversary of the completion of Canada’s first transcontinental railroad.

“On this day, 125 years ago, the last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway was driven into the ground at Craigellachie, British Columbia, completing this country’s first transcontinental railroad.

It was one of Canada’s most ambitious projects and a massive undertaking that took more than a decade to complete.

Thousands of Canadians, including many new immigrants, contributed to the railway’s construction – often working under difficult and dangerous conditions.

I pay special tribute today to honour those who were injured or died during its construction. 

Their hardships and sacrifices were instrumental in the building of our great country.

While the railway was financed by British and American investors and built by both European and Chinese labour, afterwards the Chinese were subject to discrimination including the head tax, a race-based entry fee.

In 2006, our Government apologized for this discriminatory policy.

The Canadian Pacific Railway linked communities across Canada like never before, providing Canada with a new sense of pride and identity. 

It promoted exploration and discovery, as well as immigration and commerce.

The completion of the first transcontinental railway was a significant moment in our nation’s history – a moment that captured the imagination of its citizens, spurring them on to greater achievements.

I encourage all Canadians to learn more about this remarkable part of our heritage and those who worked so hard to create it.”


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