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One new forest fire in the area

NEWS RELEASE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES **************************** There was one new fire reported on August 4. North Bay 87, in Lady Evelyn Smoothwater Provincial Park, was confirmed this morning at 0.1 hectares in size.



**************************** There was one new fire reported on August 4.

North Bay 87, in Lady Evelyn Smoothwater Provincial Park, was confirmed this morning at 0.1 hectares in size.

It has since been declared out.

There are currently eight active fires in the region and there are no issues anticipated.

The hazard will remain low to moderate throughout the region with a mix of sun and cloud with the possibility of scattered thundershowers.

Additional resources were dispatched today, August 5, to British Columbia.

Today's dispatch included 40 Fire Rangers and four support staff from the East Fire Region.

On Sunday, August 1, Fire Rangers and support staff, a total of 107 personnel, were dispatched to British Columbia and Saskatchewan to assist with their respective fire situations.

In total, there are 151 personnel from the East Fire Region assisting out of province.

Residents are reminded that if found responsible for a forest fire, they can be charged under the Forest Fires Prevention Act and/or be liable for the costs of suppressing the fire.

This cost can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

To view the current forest fire hazard in your area, click here to view the fire danger map.

310-FIRE (3473) is the new, toll-free emergency forest fire reporting phone number across northern Ontario.

The number will operate north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.



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