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MNR issues statement about government-started fire

NEWS RELEASE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES ************************* Emergency area order implemented around Sault Ste. Marie Fire #13 SAULT STE.



************************* Emergency area order implemented around Sault Ste. Marie Fire #13

SAULT STE. MARIE — An emergency area order has been implemented due to an active forest fire burning in the Sault Ste. Marie District.

Sault fire #13 started the afternoon of Sunday, May 13, 2007, and grew in size and intensity due to strong winds and tinder-dry conditions.

The fire is currently estimated to be about 1,500 hectares in size and is burning approximately 100 kilometres northeast of Sault Ste. Marie, about 80 kilometres northwest of Elliot Lake and some 80 kilometres north of Thessalon.

Under the emergency area order, travel may be restricted on specific roads as required to ensure public safety and the safety of the fire suppression staff fighting the fire.

These restrictions will be managed by the Sault Ste. Marie district.

The order came into effect at 12:01 p.m., May 14 and will remain in effect until such time as conditions improve.

An emergency area order is used when a forest fire situation warrants the use of special measures to ensure public safety, help with an evacuation and to ensure effective forest fire management.

The Minister of Natural Resources has the authority to close roads or stop the movement of people into areas threatened by smoke or fire.

In addition, people may be asked to leave an area if fire management staff feel public safety is at risk.

For more information, contact the Sault Ste. Marie district office at 705-949-1231.

To view a map of the fire location, please click here.

************************* Full coverage of this story

You can't have a bonfire, so MNR torches 5 acres of forest 2-hectare test fire burns 1,500 hectares, still out of control Hampton slams MNR fire communication cutbacks MNR issues statement about government-started fire MNR forest fire update - distributed by e-mail at 4:02 p.m.

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