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Law enforcers can now follow your boat across the border

NEWS RELEASES PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ************************* Joint statement on the Canada-U.S.




************************* Joint statement on the Canada-U.S. border

OTTAWA -(May 27) - The Honourable Peter Van Loan, minister of public safety and the Honourable Janet Napolitano, secretary of homeland security, recognize the unique nature of the Canada-United States border and share a determination to tackle common threats that we face, including terrorism and organized crime.

We are working in partnership to ensure we manage the border in a way that contributes to the well-being of our two countries and recognize that we can enhance our security without compromising trade.

Together, the United States and Canada create and trade over a billion dollars worth of goods and services each day.

We are committed to a collaborative approach to our border, one that enhances our security and public safety while facilitating the trade and travel that connect our two countries.

Building on a longstanding relationship of cooperation and collaboration, we share the following goals and plan to meet twice a year to monitor progress:

- Develop joint threat and risk assessments to assist the two countries in forming a common understanding of the threats and risks we face.

- Advance initiatives that manage risk while facilitating the movement of legitimate goods and people; and enhance our ability to assist one another in times of emergency.

- Endeavour to share information relevant to preventing people or goods that threaten our mutual safety and security from entering either nation or from crossing our shared border, consistent with our respective laws, including our privacy laws.

- Where our national laws inhibit or prohibit such sharing, we will strive to ensure that our separate systems prevent entry of dangerous people or goods to either country or across the shared border.

- Expand integrated law enforcement operations along our shared border and waterways to prevent criminals and/or terrorists from using the border to evade enforcement or to inflict harm on our two countries.

- Seek to leverage resources where possible by exploring models for joint or shared border facilities, equipment, and technology, as well as for cross-designation of personnel as appropriate.

************************* Van Loan and Napolitano successfully conclude their first high-level border meeting

OTTAWA, ONTARIO -(May 27) - Minister Van Loan made the following statement after the meeting with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The twice yearly meetings are a major positive step forward for Canada to strengthen relations with the U.S. and create opportunities for both countries to facilitate trade, jobs, and economic growth while improving security at the border.

"I am delighted to announce that Secretary Napolitano and I have moved forward with measures which mark the improving nature of our relationship.

"One advances the principles - agreed at our meeting in Washington in March - of seeking opportunities for co-operation and sharing resources, and increasing security without limiting trade across the border.

"Another measure is a commitment to work jointly in assessing the risks and threats at our common border.

"The Shiprider Agreement, which we signed yesterday in Detroit, will help both countries work together to combat organized crime in shared waterways.

"With vessels jointly staffed by law enforcement personnel from both countries, Shiprider will allow more effective and efficient policing of our maritime shared border.

"No longer will criminals be able to take advantage of legal water boundaries to escape the long arm of the law.

"Shiprider will strengthen our ability to deter, detect, and combat cross-border crime, such as the smuggling and trafficking of illegal drugs, tobacco, guns and people.

"We are joining together with the United States to create a safer, more secure, and more efficient border to enhance the safety and security of our citizens as well as the North American economy.

"Secretary Napolitano and I also agreed to a Framework for the Movement of People and Goods across the border during and following an emergency.

"This framework will help ensure that first responders will not be delayed at the border when emergency assistance is needed in either country.

"Furthermore, if the border is closed for whatever reason, it will return to normal operations as quickly as possible.

"These measures are a sign of the growing positive relationship that we are building with the United States, with whom we share security and trade interests.

"They also stand as clear evidence that we can enhance security and improve the flow of people and goods across the border at the same time.

"Those who say there is a trade-off - that you cannot improve security without harming trade - are simply wrong.

"A significant step forward was a further commitment of both countries to work together.

"We agreed to develop a joint threat and risk assessment regarding the Canada-U.S. border.

"This is something long called for by those with strong interests in trade across our borders.

"It's been called for by security advocates. It will build trust and co-operation between our countries.

"It will help us focus resources where they are needed most - on real threats. It is a very positive step forward, illustrating a new era of improving shared management of our border.

A further topic discussed was the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. Citizens of both countries are reminded of the need to have a passport or other compliant document to cross the U.S. border starting June 1.

"In addition, we have issued a joint statement which reflects our shared commitment to strengthen border cooperation.

"This will help guide our future discussions. The United States and Canada will continue to work together to practice the good governance of our shared border.

"A commitment to work together has been marked by deeds-and followed by further commitments to work together towards a safe and secure border.

"This makes common sense. We share a common interest in facilitating trade and the economic prosperity it brings both our countries.

"We share a common interest as friends, neighbours and allies in co-operating and sharing resources to more efficiently and effectively improve our security and trade."


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