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Have a ball for James and Easter Seals

NEWS RELEASE EASTER SEALS BALL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT **************************** There are still some spots available so register your team today for the Northside Toyota and Bon Soo 2nd annual Easter Seals Ball Hockey tournament which is scheduled for


There are still some spots available so register your team today for the Northside Toyota and Bon Soo 2nd annual Easter Seals Ball Hockey tournament which is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, 2013 at Northside Toyota’s dealership located on Great Northern Road.
Event organizers have doubled the capacity for this year’s tournament to 24 teams.
Spots are over half filled by new and returning teams so anyone interested in joining the upcoming tournament should contact James Boynton or Steven McCoy as soon as possible to secure their spot. Contact options are listed below.
Why is this tournament so special?
Well, 100 percent of the proceeds all go to Easter Seals and once again Boynton and McCoy are pulling this off with a shoe string budget that’s missing the shoe strings.
In addition, this tournament was the brainchild of Boynton who knows all too well the difficulties of growing up with a disability.
Boynton was born with a benign tumor on his spine, and within one hour of his birth, he had to be flown to Toronto.
The removal of the tumor resulted in two missing vertebrae and nerve damage in his legs.
This required Boynton to get leg braces, weekly physiotherapy treatments, and yearly trips to Sick Kids in Toronto until he was 18.
Luckily, the Boynton family had an angel on their shoulder: Easter Seals Nurse Mary Haig.
She told them about the assistance available through Easter Seals, an organization which helps physically disabled children and their families.
“Without her (Mrs. Haig), my family would not have been able to utilize all of the great support Easter Seals has to offer,” Boynton says thoughtfully.
Easter Seals, in addition to paying for James’ necessary equipment, trips, and therapy, even flew Boynton’s father down to Toronto so that he could be with his wife during her one-week hospital stay.
Nurse Haig came to assess their needs, as well as assist with the activities of daily living.
Boynton strongly believes in Easter Seals because he was an Easter Seals kid.
“It gives kids a chance to live their lives the best way they can, without the massive financial burden,” says Boynton.
Last year the event raised almost $9,000 and event organizers have high expectations for this year’s tournament.
“We want to raise at least $15,000 this year,” said McCoy. “We were blown away by the response and overall amount we raised last year. It was well beyond our own expectations and we have been excited all year to do it again.”
Event organizers have already begun recruiting teams for this year’s tournament.
A $100 team fee submitted by January 25 will secure a spot in the tournament and all teams are expected to raise at least $500 in pledges per team.
Players must be 18 years of age or older.
Last year teams raised an average of $730 per team while Tigers Blood took home the title of top pledge raising team by collecting $884 for Easter Seals.
This year prizes will be awarded to the top two pledge raising teams, along with a grand prize for the top individual pledge raiser.
The tournament winner will be crowned 2013 champion, awarded prizes and get to drink from the “cup”.
Food and beverages will be available along with activities and entertainment acts for the kids. Mark your calendar, rally your friends and support Easter Seals by registering for this year’s ball hockey tournament.
For more information and updates go to or contact event organizers:
Steven McCoy 705-575-6249
James Boynton 705-206-2263
Easter Seals provides support for over 80 children, youth and young adults in the area who are growing up with physical disabilities.
Easter Seals currently has three signature events in Sault Ste. Marie: 
The Easter Seals Telethon, Snowarama, and Penny Power for Easter Seals Kids.
With your help we can make Easter Seals Ball Hockey Tournament a welcomed addition to our community.

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