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Harper government addressing vets' changing needs, Hayes says

NEWS RELEASE BRYAN HAYES, MP ************************* MP Bryan Hayes thank his constituents for their generosity SAULT STE. MARIE, ON (December 13, 2011) – MP Bryan Hayes was proud to hear that the people of Sault Ste.




MP Bryan Hayes thank his constituents for their generosity

SAULT STE. MARIE, ON (December 13, 2011) – MP Bryan Hayes was proud to hear that the people of Sault  Ste. Marie and area gave more than ever before to this year’s Poppy Campaign.

“My father served in the Air Force for 33 years. He had a very distinguished career and because of this the military is very close to my heart,” said Mr. Hayes. “It is heart warming to see the people I represent giving of what they have to take care of those who serve and protect them.”

Donations received from the Poppy Campaign are put into trust accounts and used to assist needy veterans, ex-service members, their families and former members of Commonwealth and allied military services.

This government is committed to supporting Canada’s Armed Forces and to making sure they have the equipment they need to do what they must.

We are also committed to making sure that those who have served us on the field are taken care of when they return.

That is why this Conservative government is responding to the changing needs of today’s veterans.

In addition to the improvements under the Enhanced New Veterans Charter Act, we are making strides to cut red tape and offer simplified services to our veterans.

With the support of the Canadian people, in particular those who donated during the Poppy Campaign and this Conservative government, the military and our veterans are in good hands.

Thank you to all who donated.


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