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SILVANO, Ermelinda



In loving memory of our beautiful mom, who passed away one year ago today.

Our hearts were heartbroken in losing you, a part of us went with you that day. Watching you take your last breath, no one can erase those memories of being with you till the end. .Telling you it was ok to let go, to be with dad and Lori was the hardest thing we had to do, we just did not want you to suffer anymore.. So I hope you and dad are up there, looking down on us with love. I hope you are dancing in the sky with dad and Lori. We miss and love you so much, memories of you will always be with us. You will always be in out hearts. Our Angels in heaven, our brightest star in the sky.
When a beautiful red cardinal appeared in the tree a few weeks ago, we knew it was a sign that you are watching over us. We named a monarch butterfly in your memory, so when we see monarch butterflies around we will know it is a sign from you. We love you so much. We will never forget you and the memories we shared. We will always think of you and smile and be happy for the times we had with you. Remembering you is easy, we do it everyday. But missing you is a heartache that never goes away.

Cara mama ti voglia tanto bene, Sempre nei nostra cuori , Love Maria and Lucy Silvano