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It has been a year since the passing of my father (Dave Laidley) and I have been asked to write a memorial for him, Yet, how does someone go about such a task when you haven't mourned yourself or even feel he is truly gone to begin with?

This has been my struggle for over a month now, I have written and re-written so many different variants of this Memoriam. However, nothing has truly felt honest or real about what I feel deep in my heart and soul especially on this day of all days.

So in lew of a traditional memorial, I would like to take a moment to share with you my thoughts, opinions, and feelings on why I have not and probably never will truly mourn the passing of my father.

I would like to preface this by saying no I am not in denial. Just because I have not mourned the passing of my father, that does not mean I did not love or do not miss him every single day, it just means that I have chosen to honour his memory and the legacy he has left in his wake instead.

I believe that my father (Dave Laidley) will continue to live on through the lives of those he has touched.

The love he gave, the lessons he taught, the morals he instilled, and the stories he told. these are all things that so long as we continue to pass down to each new generation, then he will always be here and a part of us, in our hearts, minds, and souls eternally.

Now I hope you understand why I do not wish to mourn the loss of someone I love, especially, not the one man that has left such an impact, and helped in the shaping of the man that I am today.

I feel that I would be doing a disservice to his legacy and all he has done if I were to sit around being sad, so, I choose to honour him by continuing what he started by helping to guide the next generation in being better than the last, even if only in small ways, like telling stories, teaching lessons, instilling morals, giving guidance, and showing unconditional love just as my father before me did.

I know you are always with us, always will love us, and know that you will never be forgotten.

I will always continue to try and take care of your family and make you proud.

love always, your son.

David Wayne Laidley Jr.