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Ontario confirms 102 new COVID cases today

Based on the information contained in today's provincial summary, there are 965 active, lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ontario, which is up from 951 active cases yesterday

Public Health Ontario confirmed 102 new cases of COVID-19 in today's update, as well as one more death related to the coronavirus. 

The province reported a person between the ages of 60 and 79 years old has died with COVID-19. 

Based on a breakdown of cases reported by each health unit, there were actually 107 new COVID cases included in today's epidemiological update, but Waterloo's health unit removed a previously reported case and Chatham-Kent removed four previously-reported cases. Public Health Ontario subtracted those four cases from the total number of new cases reported today, leaving 102 new cases. 

Of the 102 reported today, 86 of the new cases have come from four of Ontario's 34 health units. Toronto reported the highest number of new cases (33), Peel and Ottawa reported 18 new cases each, and Huron Perth reported 17 new cases. The remaining 30 health units reported between -4 and +5 new cases. 

Numbers included in today's Ontario update were gathered from data reported by the health units as of 4:30 p.m. yesterday. 

The province reported there were 25,642 tests completed over the 24 hours preceding today's update, an there are another 15,490 tests awaiting results. 

To-date, Public Health Ontario has confirmed 40,972 cases of the coronavirus, and reported 37,215 recoveries (90.8 per cent) and 2,792 deaths (6.8 per cent). 

Based on the information contained in today's provincial summary, there are 965 active, lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ontario, which is up from 951 active cases yesterday.

In Northern Ontario there are three known active cases.

The breakdown for the health units is:

• Algoma Public Health - 27 cases, rate of 23.6 per 100,000 population. There are no known active cases.

• North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit - 35 cases, rate of 27 per 100,000 population. The health unit has reported 37 cases. There are no known active cases.

• Porcupine Health Unit - 72, rate of 86.3 per 100,000 population. There are no known active cases.

• Public Health Sudbury and Districts - 92 cases, rate of 46.2 per 100,000 population. The health unit has reported 91 cases. There are two known active cases.

• Timiskaming Health Unit - 19 cases, rate of 58.1 per 100,000. There are no known active cases.

• Northwestern Health Unit - 43 cases, rate of 49 per 100,000. The health unit has reported 44 cases. A new case was reported last night and is not included in the numbers available online yet. There is one known active case.

• Thunder Bay District Health Unit - 101 cases, rate of 67.4 per 100,000. The health unit has reported 100 cases. There are no known active cases.

The Ontario rate of infection per 100,000 population is 275.6.