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French public board announces back-to-school plan

Most schools will begin school year with a staggered return to class over a three-day period
2020-08-26 Ecole publique Echo-des-Rapides
École publique Écho-des-Rapides. Via:

The region's French public school board, Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario (CSPGNO), announced today its schools will adopt a staggered school opening protocol once classes resume this fall.

This includes École publique Écho-des-Rapides in Sault Ste. Marie.

Full text of a news release issued today by CSPGNO follows:

The Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord is looking forward to extending a warm and enthusiastic welcome to students as the upcoming school year draws near.

COVID-19 has brought many disruptions to the world of education and the CSPGNO team has responded to this unique situation with solidarity, ingenuity and innovation. Despite the many changes, the CSPGNO has made every possible effort to ensure that all students can resume their learning in a safe and familiar environment that meets all public health requirements. Shortly before the school year begins, staff members will receive many training sessions, including health and safety training designed specifically for the challenges the pandemic presents in a school environment.

In September, all CSPGNO schools will open as usual for classroom learning five days a week. The following CSPGNO schools will begin the school year with a staggered return to class over a three-day period. This gradual process will allow students and staff members to become familiar with their new environment and the new health and safety rules. Parents will receive all the details on their child’s return to school by next week.

    •    École publique Camille-Perron
    •    École publique de la Découverte
    •    École publique Écho-des-Rapides
    •    École publique Foyer-Jeunesse
    •    École publique Franco-Nord
    •    École publique Hélène-Gravel
    •    École publique Jean-Éthier-Blais
    •    École publique Jeanne-Sauvé
    •    École publique Pavillon-de l’Avenir
    •    École secondaire Macdonald-Cartier

The Ontario Ministry of Education has announced that school attendance will be optional for the 2020-2021 school year, thus allowing students and families to make the decision that best serves their needs. CSPGNO students who wish to benefit from full-time distance learning may do so through the CSPGNO’s virtual elementary school. Parents who wish to register their child at the CSPGNO’s virtual elementary school should submit the registration form available on the school board’s website at before Friday, Aug. 28. Secondary school students who wish to benefit from distance learning should consult with their school’s guidance counselor’s office to register for the wide selection of courses offered by the Consortium d’apprentissage virtuel de langue française de l’Ontario (CAVLFO).

Many public health policies and precautions have been put in place in all CSPGNO schools. The CSPGNO has adjusted its cleaning routines to ensure more frequent cleaning of high traffic areas. All staff members and all students in Grades 4 to 12 will be required to wear a face mask. Exceptions may be allowed for students with respiratory problems. Break times will be offered throughout the day so that students can remove their mask. Students from kindergarten to Grade 3 are not required to wear a mask. However, parents may request that their child wear a mask at school.

Students will be required to wash their hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Bottles of hand sanitizer have been provided in all classrooms. Signs and stickers have been placed throughout the school to encourage physical distancing while moving about.

New equipment and structures have been put in place to ensure greater safety when classes resume. Plexiglas panels have been installed in designated areas and every classroom, staff room, library and school office has been equipped with a medical-grade air cleaner. Surface disinfection machines have also been purchased to limit viral contagion in schools.

The CSPGNO invites you to view the welcome back video for the 2020 school year at and reminds parents that it is still time to register their children at a CSPGNO school. For more information about the CSPGNO’s programs and services, please visit our website at or call us at 705-671-1533.