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Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ Rules!

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about driving, so without further ado… Watching some people drive, it sure seems that there are a whole bunch of drivers who either don’t know, or don’t care, about the Rules of the Road.
It’s been a while since I’ve talked about driving, so without further ado…


Watching some people drive, it sure seems that there are a whole bunch of drivers who either don’t know, or don’t care, about the Rules of the Road.

As I’ve stated before, one of the biggest factors in bad driving, aside from just a lack of knowledge (or concern) of the drivers themselves, is a lack of enforcement.

After all, it’s only “illegal” if you get caught, right?

Wrong. That bad drivers haven’t been caught does not make their driving any more acceptable.

Here’s just a three examples of bad habits that I have been noticing lately:

1) Speed Limits

Once again, the Speed Limit is not a suggestion, nor is it a minimum. Far too many motorists seem to think they are driving on the Autobahn.

It doesn’t matter if you are late (for work, for your bowling league, or whatever), or in a hurry, or just like driving fast.

Yes, today’s cars are much more technologically advance, with better brakes and suspension, and have more horsepower than is needed. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to drive as fast as you can.

Even if we were to agree that some of these drivers are highly skilled, and perhaps (as some insist) they are better drivers than most, there are still the other drivers to consider – not to mention pedestrians and cyclists.

If you are driving 50 km/h, you are covering 13.8 metres per second. That means that you will cover 100 metres in 7.2 seconds. Every 10 km/h faster that you go is about 1 second less that it takes to cover that same 100 metres.

That means 1 second less reaction time available for each 10 km/h one is driving.

Even 1 second could be the difference between a safe stop and disaster.

2) Left Turn Lanes

It sounds pretty straight-forward – some might even call it “common sense” – but “Left Turn Lanes” are for Left Turns.

They are not “Drive-Along-Until-It-Is-Clear-To-Make-A-Lane-Change-Into-The-Driving-Lane Lanes,” nor are they “I’m-Going-To-Be-Turning-Left-Eventually Lanes.”

In many cases – like along Trunk, Great Northern or Black Roads – they are Dual Left-Turn Lanes, also called Two-Way Left Turn Lanes. That means that vehicles traveling in opposite directions need to share the Turning Lane.

This is difficult to do when motorists get into the turning lane several hundred metres before where they need to turn.

“And now a word from our sponsors!”

Actually, I just want to say a few words about a couple of tv ads that are currently airing.

First is actually two similar ads for VolksWagen. One shows a young boy holding his breath to get what he wants, and the other a young boy who has a tantrum for the same reason.

Yes, the ads are “just ads,” and not intended to be an example for kids to follow. And they are amusing, in a way.

But still, watching these kids throw tantrums and getting what they want is a bit disturbing, too.

I mean, really? What if that was your kid?

I know my mother wouldn't have put up with that kind of nonsense from me!

The second is the ad for Staples, where they offer free file-transfer service when you buy a new computer. It starts with a couple and their kid coming home to find their house has been burgled.

There is no shock. They do not seem distraught. In fact, they hardly seem upset at all, until … they discover that the thieves did not take their obviously out-of-date computer.

Again, I know it’s just an ad, but really?

Not to mention how thick Mom seems to be.

Techie Guy: “We transferred all your files, too.”

Mom: “Our wedding photos?”


“Our taxes?”


Just what part of all didn’t she understand?

I’m trying to imagine the meeting between the Ad Execs and these two companies, and everyone slapping each other on the back saying “Yeah! That’s great! That’s just what we were looking for!”


”And now, back to our regularly scheduled Column!”

3) Safe Following/Stopping Distance

Again, vehicle brakes are far better now than they were a few decades ago. Still, the laws of physics apply, and being only 2 or 3 metres behind the vehicle ahead is likely not a safe following distance.

If the vehicle ahead stops suddenly, or even slows drastically, for whatever reason, the chances are good that there will be a collision.

On a similar note, and as I tell my driving students, many drivers seem to be of the opinion that when the vehicle ahead of them signals to turn – whether at an intersection or into a driveway – that it will just *POOF!* disappear from the roadway, and they will not need to slow down.

In reality, the vehicle indicating a turn will most likely slow down prior to making its turn. That means the vehicle following will also have to slow down.

Too many motorists seem reluctant to do this.

I'm thinking of putting a sign on the back of my van that reads "Getting Closer WILL NOT Make Me Go Faster." (I doubt it would work, though.)

Really, doesn’t it just all come down to consideration?

Yes, some drivers are in a hurry. That doesn’t mean that everyone else must get the #@&% out of their way!

I could go on – distracted drivers, using cell phones and texting while driving, drivers who don’t look before they turn/pull out, drivers ignoring Stop Signs and Traffic Lights, etc – but I’ll save those for another column.

For now, we need to share the road.

We need to take turns. We need to recognize that not everyone is late and in a hurry to get where they are going.

We need to be considerate to other road users.

And, we need more enforcement of existing traffic laws.

Lives depend on it.

But… that’s just my opinion.

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