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I’m thankful for…

On this Thanksgiving weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to list some of the things for which I am thankful.
On this Thanksgiving weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to list some of the things for which I am thankful.

I’m thankful for…

  • …having the freedom to vote – or to abstain from voting – in a democratic election without being coerced or intimidated.

    I recognize that our right to vote is a freedom that was hard won – wars have been fought to ensure our freedoms, and some groups – like women – have had to fight their own battles to have those rights conferred onto them as well.

    I also recognize that with rights come responsibilities; I would rather that a person who cannot reconcile their support for a particular candidate, or party, abstain from voting than have them cast a ballot frivolously or in spite.

  • …living in a country where we are free to criticize the government, without fear of reprisal, or worse.

    We can criticize the government’s policies, individual members of parliament, and even the premier or prime minister.

    We can organize peaceful protests and march on the legislature; remembering that with rights come responsibilities, and when protests become violent there are consequences for those who cannot act with integrity.

  • …having the freedom to practice religion – whatever religion that may be.

    I also recognize that people are free to not practice any religion, and even to object to the influence of religion on society.

    I heard an interview recently with a prominent author and theologian, who suggested that “religious” intolerance is the last acceptable intolerance.

    People are free to refrain from participating in any religious activities, and even to object to the influence of religion on society. But to refuse others the right to practise their chosen religion is unacceptable.

  • …laughter.

    I am told I have a great sense of humour.

    I enjoy making others laugh, just as much as I enjoy laughing myself. And at myself.
    Laughter does not make our troubles go away, but it can ease our minds and give us hope.

  • …health.

    Yes, I have some minor health concerns, but medication and a change of lifestyle and diet is keeping these under control.

    Yes, there are some minor occasional aches, and my eyesight is not what it once was – fortunately, I only need reading glasses, so far.

    Overall, however, I am in decent health.

  • … having a job.

    True, I have only had one call-in so far this school year, but I am sure that will pick up over the next while. But I love my job; teaching brings me a great deal of joy and personal satisfaction.

    And, to be honest, this has given me a fair bit of free time in which I have been able to attend to several projects at my church.

    I also have a second part-time job that I love, teaching young people to drive. Knowing that I am helping to instill in them safe driving habits is very rewarding.

    While I certainly am not living a life of luxury, I am getting by.

    And really, that’s what matters most.

  • …family.

    I have no immediate family, and am not in frequent contact with my more distant relatives. But I know that if I were to call or drop by I would be welcome.

    And “family” can have other meanings: friends and neighbours who are as much like family as any relative could ever be, whose care and concern helps me through the bad times, and share in my happiness in the good times.

We all have many things in our lives for which we should be thankful, even if at times it may be difficult to recognize them.

But when we do turn our thoughts to all that gives us joy, to all the things we for which we are grateful, to all the good times we have enjoyed, we find that these far outweigh the difficult times.

But… that’s just my opinion.

So, what are you thankful for?

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