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Wanted Old Homestead, St. Joseph Island.

If anyone has property in Jocelyn, or St. Joseph Townships, and is considering selling a piece of cleared land, and hand down the farming heritage, I would love to hear from you.

Ideally, it would be an entire homestead on west side of the island, Hwy 548, Huron, A, B, C, D, F&G, I, K, lines, 5th, 10th side roads....

Looking to get back to my Hawdon & Down roots, and set up a farm/homestead ourselves.

Hoping for 10+ acres or so, to work with.
Would be happy to share the experience, or fruits of labour, if you are looking to downsize, but enjoy the animals, etc... you'd be welcome to visit. Need eggs, we can deliver, garden produce, happy to share.

Can give you references of former neighbours, we are good ones.

Would be happy to cover legal fees, to avoid realtor fees.

Please send me a PM.

Thank You

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