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Police 'put down' downtown bear after crowd gathers

The bear became agitated while waiting for the Ministry Technician, police say
June 11 bear downtown

The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service received a call regarding a bear roaming the downtown area in the late afternoon on June 11, 2019. Officers responded, and ushered the bear from the area.

Later, Police responded to another call about a bear in the downtown and were able to contain the animal to an enclosed area by repeatedly encouraging it to remain behind a dumpster. 

Police contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to request a Bear Technician attend the scene. While waiting for the Ministry Technician to attend, a crowd gathered in the area, and the bear attempted to leave the area.

Repeated attempts by officers to guide the animal back behind the dumpster were ignored by the bear and it became agitated. 

Concerned about how the animal may react to the growing crowd if it broke through the police containment area, unfortunately no other option was available but to put the animal down. The City Board of Works collected the bear afterwards. 

This unfortunate situation serves as a reminder to the public that if you see a wild animal roaming in the city do not approach or gather near it. For further information regarding how to deal with a bear encounter please reference the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's Bear Wise page.
