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Friday, June 23, 2006

Imapired Driving At approx. 2:00 AM yesterday morning City Police officers stopped a vehicle on Foster Dr. It is alleged that when the officers spoke to the driver they noticed that his ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol.
Imapired Driving

At approx. 2:00 AM yesterday morning City Police officers stopped a vehicle on Foster Dr. It is alleged that when the officers spoke to the driver they noticed that his ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol. The accused, Glenn Douglas Smith, age 41, of 2611 Great Northern Rd. was subsequently arrested and charged with Impaired Driving and Driver Over 80 mgs. He will be appearing in court on Monday Aug 14th at 9:00 AM.

Break and Enters

City Police were called to investigate three break and enters in the past 24 hours. A residence in the 100 block of Albert St.E. was entered, via the front door, and a small amount of cash was taken. A residence in the 300 block of Albert St.E. was also entered via an unlocked door and two bicycles were stolen. Thieves removed a kitchen window screen to gain entry to a home in the 100 block of Centennial Ave. It is unknown what was taken at this time.


The southeast end of the city was also the site of two mischief reports. Vandals used spray paint to cause damage to two vehicles yesterday. One vehicle was parked in the 100 block of Centennial Ave and the other was in the 100 block of Denwood Ave.

Child Pornography Charges

A joint investigation involving the Ontario Provincial Police Child Pornography Section, the O.P.P. Electronic Crime Section and the Sault Ste Marie Police Service resulted in the arrest of a 31-year-old male.
At approx. 8:50 AM yesterday morning the investigative team executed a search warrant at 587 Second Line W. As a result of the search, a computer system and floppy diskettes were seized.

It is alleged that the accused, Andrew White, did on June 2nd offer to distribute child pornography. It is further alleged that on June 22nd the accused was in possession of child pornography.

Thirty one year old Andrew Clifford White, of 587 Second Line W. was arrested when the warrant was executed and charged with two counts of Possession of Child Pornography, one count of Making Child Pornography Available, and one count of Breach of Undertaking.
The accused was held in custody pending a bail hearing and is scheduled to appear in Court today at 10:00 AM.
The investigation is continuing.