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These stories about the people making positive impacts in our community are made possible through the continued support of Northwood Funeral Home as part of our Community Leaders Program.

Fall follows through on bid to run 100 marathons for charity

Fall follows through on bid to run 100 marathons for charity

Rick Fall has left for Victoria to start his 4,200 km run, FalloRick Home to Home
Group of Sault women using plastic bags to help the homeless (4 photos)

Group of Sault women using plastic bags to help the homeless (4 photos)

Process called ‘plarn’ turns plastic bags into sleeping mats for homeless
Jonathan runs every street in the Sault to raise money for ARCH (7 photos)

Jonathan runs every street in the Sault to raise money for ARCH (7 photos)

Since January, Jonathan Mogg has run 715 streets in Sault Ste. Marie
Retired trucker boosts growing volunteer roster at Meals on Wheels

Retired trucker boosts growing volunteer roster at Meals on Wheels

Sault program's still down volunteers from pre-COVID numbers but keeping up, says coordinator
Surrogate honours lost mother-in-law with baby for another family

Surrogate honours lost mother-in-law with baby for another family

When Cherie Behrens decided to become a surrogate mother, she didn’t realize the impact it would have on her life
Sault musician offers a helping hand

Sault musician offers a helping hand

Saultite, Vince Boschi hopes to help people grappling with mental health issues through his latest song and video
Cole MacKay urges Canadians to join stem cell registry

Cole MacKay urges Canadians to join stem cell registry

Greyhound invites others to be heroes, save lives
Woman with many hats lives like lioness

Woman with many hats lives like lioness

Communicates a will to keep things fresh, avoid stagnation
Trail system maintained by volunteers reopens in Thessalon (8 photos)

Trail system maintained by volunteers reopens in Thessalon (8 photos)

Stewart Highlands trails, closed since 2014, has reopened thanks to busy volunteers
Summer camp rethinks and regroups during COVID shutdowns

Summer camp rethinks and regroups during COVID shutdowns

All Tribes Christian Camp, under the direction of Chrissy Fliestra, plans return with new high-ropes course