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Early spring or confused robin? has received the following letter and photo from loyal readers in Havilland Shores who tell us a tale of a robin they've been seeing. has received the following letter and photo from loyal readers in Havilland Shores who tell us a tale of a robin they've been seeing. Perhaps a sign of hope for spring or perhaps a poor robin has had it's instinct to migrate frostbitten. 

Either way, we thought our loyal readers would enjoy a nice picture of outdoors today while they huddle indoors to avoid the bitter chill outside.

Hello from Havilland Shores. 
We've been watching this bird for about a week.
It flies in with a flock of Cedar Waxwings at around 9:30 a.m. and they land in the Mountain Ash trees and eat the berries.
We thought we were seeing things but have watched it through binoculars for several minutes at a time, at different angles and it appears to be a Robin.
Spring can't be far behind.
Doug and Joanne

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