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These stories about the people making positive impacts in our community are made possible through the continued support of Northwood Funeral Home as part of our Community Leaders Program.

Volunteer position has made for a meaningful summer for this university student

Volunteer position has made for a meaningful summer for this university student

Kelsey Mackin is among the students volunteers who have been helping out with day-to-day chores around ARCH
Looking for Joey? You'll probably find her at the shelter

Looking for Joey? You'll probably find her at the shelter

For Joey Kirkwood, who is an avid dog-walker for the Sault Ste. Marie Humane Society, dogs are a 'woman's best friend'
Saultite marks fifth year of cycling toward cure for childhood cancer

Saultite marks fifth year of cycling toward cure for childhood cancer

Basil Jones hopes other riders in the Sault will join him in the nationwide challenge to raise money for the cause
Rainbow Camp organizer needs help to make virtual version happen this summer

Rainbow Camp organizer needs help to make virtual version happen this summer

In light of COVID-19 restrictions, organizers have moved to an online format to provide 2SLGBTW youth with an inclusive and safe space this summer
VIDEO: Retirement home shows residents and staff making the best of the COVID-19 situation

VIDEO: Retirement home shows residents and staff making the best of the COVID-19 situation

Residents, staff say thanks for support
Four years after diagnosis, Shaylan is now fighting for others with brain tumours

Four years after diagnosis, Shaylan is now fighting for others with brain tumours

Shaylan Spurway Bubinas plans to walk 27 kilometres as a fundraiser. The distance represents the number of people in Canada diagnosed with a brain tumour every day
Video chat, Snapchat keeps bigs and littles connected during isolation

Video chat, Snapchat keeps bigs and littles connected during isolation

Big Sister says even though she can't see her little in person, she's there for her in a different format
Local gym owner back with donation of 50 bikes for CAS kids

Local gym owner back with donation of 50 bikes for CAS kids

Chris Cooper believes owning a bike can be life-changing
Local mom helps Grade 12 grads create keepsake video

Local mom helps Grade 12 grads create keepsake video

Allyson Craig is putting together a video of students across the Sault who won't have the chance to celebrate their grad this year amid COVID-19
Volunteers switch gears as need for masks and PPE continues

Volunteers switch gears as need for masks and PPE continues

While some volunteer opportunities have dried up due to COVID-19, some have found that their skills can be used elsewhere