has received the letter below in response to a article posted on September 7, 2012.
The writer refers to the following sentence in that article by Darren Taylor: “Its intent is to erect 36 wind turbines approximately 80 kilometres north of Sault Ste. Marie, close to Lake Superior’s eastern shore and south of the Montreal River, lying within Batchewana First Nation.”
Dear Mr. Taylor:
Thank you for attending the Bow Lake Wind Farm Public Meeting held September 6, at Aweres Public School.
Your article, “Wind farm meeting stirs up mixed opinions,” captures the differing viewpoints regarding this project objectively and fairly.
I wish to draw your attention to the above quote.
A reader of your report might falsely conclude that the Bow Lake turbines will be built on land belonging to the Batchewana First Nation.
This is not the case.
In fact, the Bow Lake project will be built on Crown Land along with a very small amount of private land.
It will not be located on the Batchewana First Nation Reserve.
This can be confirmed by contacting the Ministry of Natural Resources.
It is important that this point be clarified: Whereas the public might think that it has little jurisdiction over what happens on First Nations’ territory, it has every right to speak up about what is planned for Crown Land.
Thank you,
- Gillan Richards, Executive Member, Save Ontario’s Algoma Region (SOAR), 150 Churchill Blvd., P. O. Box 20052, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6W3