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A mother holds perhaps, the most important place in a child's life. The loss of our mother, was the biggest loss we have had to deal with. Its been 2 years since you left us and still not a day goes by that we are reminded of our beautiful mother. We often will remember back and are so thankful for the memories that will forever stay fresh in our minds and we are eternally happy that you touched our hearts with moments that we will cherish forever. Today -- we want to say thank you to you “ MA", “ Vecchia", “ Nanna" for giving us the best things in life to remember you by: your unconditional love, your strong will, your thoughtfulness, your affection, your compassion, your kindness, your warmth, your radiance, your affection and yes your cooking (yum yum). We miss seeing the joy in your eyes when you saw each of us come in the room. (Some more then others LOL) You were the first to show us the true meaning of love and in honour of you we will spread that love wherever we can!