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Remember This?

Remember this? Guess how old we are?

You know what's old? The museum itself. First created in 1920, it wasn't until 1951 that the city-sanctioned board got its own space (Pictured above. Thanks for the furniture Sir James Dunn!) at the Pine Street Armoury for a library/museum.

Remember This? A fancy affair

The leaves have changed colour and back in the day, that meant it was time for local ladies and gents to break out their ball gowns and cummerbunds. That’s right, fall meant social season in the Sault. And it was kind of a big deal.

Remember This? That's a lot of shovels

Way back in the 1890s, 400 men worked dug for years to hollow out the spot where the Sault Canal now runs. And, they were apparently pretty careful about it.

Remember This? How Adolf came to the Sault and died on the Titanic

He invented not only the Sjöstedt Sulpher Roaster but the Sjöstedt Electric smelting furnace as well, but in the end he is probably most well known by Saultites for the way he died.

Remember This? No horses on the sidewalk. It's the law

You can't ride a horse down city sidewalks these days, and you couldn't back in 1879 either. While that didn't change, other aspects of Sault Ste. Marie life certainly did with the advent of the automobile. Keep reading as the Sault Ste.

Remember This? What to wear to the beach

If you're planning on going swimming this weekend, just be thankful it's not 1902 when city council had some pretty weird ideas about women's beach wear.

Remember This? House on Moffley Hill

It may be hard to imagine now, but back when Francis H. Clergue chose Moffley Hill as the spot for his new home, the area was outside city limits.

Remember This? How we used to roll

With the Rotary Community Day Parade less than a week away, and the Sault Ste. Marie Museum thought it would be cool to show you how Sault Ste. Marie used to roll when it came to the annual summer tradition.